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  Viewer's Wives 19
Viewer's Wives 19

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Dvd Code: YC820
Price: £20.00
Studio: Your Choice
Source: United Kingdom
Language: English
System: PAL
Beverley Cocks
Beverly Would
Cheryl Roberts
Kelly Aris
Sarah Beattie
Sarah Carter


Viewer's Wives 19 features more authentic amateur contributions from the general public. Yvonne from West Yorkshire is dressed in shiny black PVC and a primo dildoing is her offering. Donna and Pete from the Isle of Dogs are a shy couple who wear mysterious masks as they shag indoors and out. Portsmouth couple Bev and Bev are two young tarts with a taste for twat and with a thick length of plastic they get down and dirty with each other. Kylie is a shy and pretty girl who takes the full length of partner Bob's big knob. Heather, Nicola and Ruth are three naughty girls who make the most of each other's minges and three large dildos. Big-nippled, black mamma Irene enjoys every stroke from Ted who produces two sticky loads. Deep in the woods, peeper Dave's in luck when stroller Kathy flaunts her tits at him. Helen and Graham enjoy a dildo session. Cheryl is another black beauty who brightens up her hubby Gavin's bad day with a greedy gobble and her juicy wet slit. Schoolgirl Emma falls foul of old Steve's wicked intentions. A still photo shoot with the notorious film maker and photographer, John Mason, turns into an anal porno session for hot blonde model Haley. Finally, Sarah's a wanker's dream, but an editor's nightmare. Poor old Jack Williams had to edit three hours of dynamite footage down to twenty five minutes. Sarah's sensational. She flashes to truck drivers on the M1, and can't get enough of Terry's big love club. In the kitchen, on the couch, on the tube, on the bonnet of his car, but most of all, up her bum! Cast: Beverley Cocks, Beverly Would, Cheryl Roberts, Elaine, Katrina, Kelly Aris, Sarah Beattie, Sarah Carter, Others

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