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  Have Dick Will Travel
Have Dick Will Travel

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Dvd Code: YC7383
Price: £20.00
Studio: One Eyed Jack
Director: Terry Stephens
Source: United Kingdom
Language: English
System: PAL
Barbara Pataki
Claire Astbury
Claire Brown
Jan Burton
Michelle Thorne
Nicky [3]
Shakina Shergold
Tracy Tuck


Lock up your daughters, because One Eyed Jack's on the road with his pals again in Have Dick Will Travel! Jack kicks into his show with the stunning Michelle Thorne, who's delectable body has graced the front pages of many top shelf mags. Boyfriend Pete's well hung, and well hung over too, but that doesn't stop him from putting on a sterling performance, including Michelle's first ever on screen anal. Her many fans will love this one! Brunette Claire Brown is giving Jack a blow job in the car when he's pulled over by the law and given a ticket for not wearing a seat belt. After safely arriving at the club, La Chambre, Claire and blonde model Tracy Tuck get down to the sticky business at hand - fucking the daylights out of Jack and stud Jay. Back at Jack's gaff, the seemingly insatiable Claire goes the anal and double penetration route with the boys, resulting in a facial. Next Jan Burton and her partner are filmed having sex on a bed by Terry, with a cumshot over tits. Claire Astbury performs the usual stuff in the back of the car driving into the country. She then takes on two men in the car park of some rural beauty spot, at first half in and half out of the car and then over the bonnet until they have to beat a hasty retreat when a family arrives in their car. They adjourn to a house and continue on a bed - with anal and two facials. Barbara Pataki gives a blowjob on the motorway hard shoulder. They then arrive at Mark's flat for a session with Mark and Terry that includes anal, double penetration and facials. Shakina Shergold and Claire Brown enjoy some lesbian action in which Claire wears a strap-on to fuck Shakina. They arrive at some house and discover the other guests have begun without them and Jan Burton is having sex with her partner while Nicky is having it away with Steve Hooper. A woman called Leigh takes over the camera so that Claire, Shakina, Terry and John can join in and an orgy ensues in which Claire has anal sex and Shakina takes a facial. Cast: Barbara Pataki, Claire Astbury, Claire Brown, Jan Burton, Michelle Thorne, Nicky, Shakina Shergold, Tracy Tuck

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