What director Mark Archer has accomplished with Barefoot Confidential 1 amounts to an exorbitant hop, skip and jump into new and exciting territory. Archer has integrated a knack for good foot fetish with even better funny and entertaining storytelling. Replete with voice-overs that summon up the spirit of Jack Webb in Dragnet, three clever vignettes present hot feet and cool dialogue like, "steering with her bare feet got Tina hotter than a spark plug, jumpier than a piston, tighter than a fan belt." Add a little bit of sex (which you don't generally see, anyway, in most foot-oriented tapes) and you have the makings of a classic fetish feature. Give Brittany Andrews, too, a nomination for best tease with her impulsive body language. Andrews stars in a bit about a video scavenger hunt that's as absorbingly interactive as it is clever. And, yes, those are real, live, squishy earthworms in the Avalon/Roxanne Hall segment. Cast: Timber, Brittany Andrews, Avalon, Roxanne Hall, Michael J. Cox