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  The Two Jonnies 1
The Two Jonnies 1

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Dvd Code: CB20376
Price: £20.00
Studio: Pumpkin Film Productions
Director: Phil Barry
Source: United Kingdom
Language: English
System: PAL
Charly [2]
Emma [22]
Jessica [11]
Laura Michaels [2]
Tracy [18]


Phil Barry is Jonny one and Tony James Jonny two in Pumpkin Film's light-hearted sex romp The Two Jonnies. Struggling to make ends meet, Tony takes on a number of 'strange' jobs to pay his way. Phil keeps searching him out to appear in just one more scene. Strange costumes and double entendres have the cast in kinks. The new girls Emma, Jessica and Tracy must have wondered what they let themselves in for. Follow Johny's sexploits as he endeavours to earn a crust because Jonny never pays him! Jonny is making a egg-estential movie and would you believe it, finds Johny dressed as a chicken, handing out flyers for a fast food joint. How plucking crazy is that? Porn newbie Jess at first can't take Johny seriously, but eventually the bird gets a roasting from - a big bird. Jonny meets Johny, working in a bar and he is meant to have found a girl for a scene. Art student Lauren walks in for a drink, but ends up being covered in Johny's sticky cock glue. Jonny's got a great girl for Johny to fuck stupid, but he has become a slave since and is now stuck in Mistress Elaines cage. Will Jonny and Emma ever get the poor boy out? Then Johny's seen the light and becomes a priest. Jonny's more than cross but persuades him to relent his vows and take Charly up the rectory. Finally, Johny hits an all time low with his last job as a transvestite hooker. Jonny picks him up but Tracey thinks he is stealing her trade. Of course Jonny strikes a deal and pays Tracey to have her cunt filled by Johny's todger on camera. Cast: Laura Micheals, Jess Steed, Charly, Emma, Tracey, Johny, Jonny

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